Local Religious Community suppressed on YouTube

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  • By Home of the Mother
  • Posted in 2023, YouTube
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Local Religious Community suppressed on YouTube

On Friday, November 3, 2023, without a single prior notice YouTube shut down the English Home of the Mother Television channel. If any video violates YouTube's policies, one should receive three notices within 90 days; we had received none. HM Television—EUK Mamie found an email in its spam informing of the immediate closure of their channel in English, arbitrarily accused of spam.


The foundation appealed at once demonstrating that their videos at no time had committed this crime. Its content does not violate the YouTube policy. It has not used its videos to deceive or defraud anyone—they are not even monetized, because HM Television—EUK Mamie never had the intention of obtaining economic benefit, but rather to evangelize, entrusting the future of the channel to God’s Providence.


The response was immediate:


"Channel: HM Television (English). After carefully reviewing your channel, we have confirmed that it violates our policy on spam, deceptive practices and scams. We understand that this is not the best of news, but we must ensure that YouTube is a safe place for all users.


How this affects your channel: We will not restore your YouTube channel."


Local Religious Community suppressed on YouTube


Some time ago, other channels suffered similar attacks for the same reason: their clearly Catholic content. But Fr. Santiago Martin’s Magnificat.TV, EWTN in Poland, the Youth of St. Joseph's Tekton and others were restored thanks to popular outcry. That is why we are asking for your help to defend a channel whose sole objective has been to promote the Truth.


The video HM Television—EUK Mamie was saddest to lose was the documentary All or Nothing: Sr. Clare Crockett, subtitled in Croatian, Chinese, Armenian, Slovak, Indonesian and Hungarian, with its many comments and views. Daily people sent testimonies, both written and oral, of the great spiritual good received through this documentary: conversions, young people who discover or accept their vocation to the consecrated life or to the priesthood, vocations "saved” in a moment of crisis, graces received, and many lives changed by Sr. Clare's witness of conversion and dedication to God. You can see a small sample of all this in the section Impressions on www.sisterclare.com.


This video radiated too much light and the Lord of Darkness could not bear it. But perhaps we can get it back if we fight together in defense of religious freedom and freedom of conscience. Remember that apt saying of Edmund Burke: "The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing." We ask for your help to spread this message and to publicize this denunciation in all the ways and means at your disposal. We also ask for the help of your prayers, so that the Lord may allow us to recover this tool at the service of evangelization.


Another video that radiated a lot of light and that has not ceased to have views and comments in the almost ten years that it has been published is the testimony of conversion of Mario Joseph, a young Indian convert to Christianity from Islam. In Spanish, the video had a large impact, but in English, it surpassed one million views. You can see Mario Joseph's testimony in Spanish at this link: Mario Joseph (Spanish).


While we see how all this ends, HM Television—EUK Mamie has opened a new channel in English to continue evangelizing. You can access it by clicking on this link: HM Television (International).


We would be very grateful if you help us spread the word.



You can sign the change.org petition here




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