St. Joseph the Worker - Sainthood in the Small Things
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- By Hannah Lanier
- Posted in Blogs by Hannah Lanier, St. Joseph
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The beginning of this month was marked by the feast day of St. Joseph the Worker. This is possibly one of the most relatable of feast days because all of us work and struggle with work sometimes. Kids go to school, parents have jobs, whether that's taking care of their children or being in the workforce, and religious and priests work full time as well, albeit in a different way than those of us in the secular world.
A lot of the time, it feels like striving for sainthood is impossible. How can we compare to the martyrs and apostles? We're nothing like them, we think. We're just your average Joes and Janes. But if you take a moment to think about it, wasn't St. Joseph just a regular person? Weren't all the saints regular people? They got up in the morning, had breakfast, and went to work, just like we do. St. Joseph is very possibly one of the best examples of this. He was a father, a carpenter, a man who worked behind the scenes, so much so that oftentimes a lot of people forget about how magnificent of a saint he is. Just as we forget our own potential to be a saint.
Our vocations differ from person to person, and that's okay. Not every saint is a martyr, not every saint was called to self-mortification in the physical sense. Likewise, we aren't all called to the same path, but we are all called to sainthood. Our jobs, our vocations, all of the little things that make up our life, are gifts from God that we can use to walk the path of righteousness and become a saint. Different paths, same destination. Let us always remember the uniqueness of our God-given paths, respect the paths of others, and work on earth for eternal joy in Heaven. St. Joseph the Worker, pray for us!
"Whatever you do, work at it with all your heart, as though you were working for the Lord, and not for yourselves. Remember that the Lord will reward you; you will receive what he has kept for his people. For Christ is the real master you serve." - Colossians 3:23-24
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