March For Life 2020
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- By CatTrad
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Magdalen College student Katelyn Anderson, had this say about the March for Life in D.C.:
On Thursday, January 23, I woke up at four in the morning to get on a bus and ride ten hours from New Hampshire to Washington D.C. I was going to the March for Life with my college. It was the third time I've attended the March in D.C.
The attitude at the March for Life is different than the kind of attitude you find at most protests. Each individual you pass has a smile on their face and a sign in hand. There's no angry or annoyed pushing. Bumping into someone usually results in a smile and a laugh as everyone gathers into a crowded street to march for the lives of the defenseless among us.
This year's March was probably the largest that I've been to, and others who have been concur. It was the first time a president spoke at a March while in office and while not officially in attendance, several members of State could be seen waving through windows as those marching passed by. The March was teeming with young people, colleges and youth groups making up a large portion of the attendance, each group of young people stating loudly and proudly that they were the pro-life generation.
The March drew all kinds of different people, from all different parts of the country, some hailing from as far away as Nebraska. Young feminists marched for their sisters in the womb, teachers marched for their future students, single mothers marched for their fellow mothers. Representatives of all generations marched for right for the next generation to be born. This year, the March was even more hopeful than usual, each person hoping that, with the attendance of President Donald Trump, adequate media coverage would finally be provided and even more pro-life legislation enacted to protect those who are soon to be born and brought into this world.
Each year, those who march brave sleep deprivation, long bus rides, busy metros and frequently freezing temperatures to attend. But each year as I'm leaving, I never see anything but smiles on the faces of those around me. And if you ask any of them if it was worth it, they all reply the same thing: "Definitely."
Check out her further adventures in her upcoming blogs!
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