Article number: | CB441 |
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As the Church and the world prepare to mark the fiftieth anniversary of Humanae Vitae this summer, Catholic Answers Press is publishing an important new multi-contributor exposition of that prophetic encyclical - Inseparable: Five Perspectives on Sex, Life, and Love in Defense of Humanae Vitae.
Expecting this anniversary to spark an escalation of attacks on Catholic birth-control teaching from outside the Church and a fresh wave of vocal dissent within it, and noting the current climate of confusion afflicting the faithful on marital and sexual matters, we thought it critical to provide a vigorous affirmation of Paul VI’s prophetic wisdom.
Given the richness of Catholic teaching on the transmission of human life and the different ways—due to their temperaments, habits of mind, and life circumstances—that people respond to it, we asked our contributors to reflect on and defend that teaching from five perspectives: each of them compelling, all of them together forming a mosaic of truth.
Contributors include some of the most knowledgeable and incisive writers on these subjects today:
All share a joyful conviction in the truth of Humanae Vitae and a desire to promote and defend it.
His Eminence Raymond Cardinal Burke contributes the foreword.
Inseparable provides a compelling argument for the genius of Bl. Paul VI’s landmark encyclical Humanae Vitae, which after fifty years is as timely today as when originally published. The biblical, philosophical, historical, personalist, and real-life perspectives offered in these essays form a solid defense of the Church’s prophetic wisdom, bearing witness to the liberating truth of Humanae Vitae. I highly recommend this work. It’s terrific! - The Most Reverend Paul S. Coakley, Archbishop of Oklahoma City
I just finished Inseparable. This is not just a magnificent tribute to the soon to be Pope St. Paul VI, but it is most readable and accessible to anyone who seeks to know and understand the Truth. This ought to be mandatory reading in every seminary, rectory, chancery, and most especially, every family home. Catholic Answers has provided a real gift to our culture, so much in need of the Light of Truth who is Christ Jesus. - The Most Reverend David Kagan, Bishop of Bismarck
In re-affirming perennial Catholic teaching on contraception, Pope Paul VI praised the value of married love that is total, self-sacrificial, and open to new life. Inseparable gives us a much-needed reminder and defense of Humane Vitae’s testimony to the language of love: poured out for us on the cross and lived out daily by faithful Christian spouses. - The Most Reverend James Conley, Bishop of Lincoln
Marking fifty years of Humanae Vitae, it is important for us to revisit just why and how, among the documents of the Church, this little encyclical is unmatched in its prophetic power. This collection of reflections from leaders in Sacred Scripture, sociology, philosophy, and history, as well as the compelling testimony of a young couple, is a welcome revisitation. We can trust the truth of Humanae Vitae. This volume reminds us again that the truth sets us free, free really to love. - Most Reverend Thomas J. Olmsted, Bishop of Phoenix