Come to Jesus! A Kids' Book for Eucharistic Adoration

Article number: 15772
Availability: In stock (2)

This lovely prayer book introduces children to Eucharistic adoration with three guided visits to the Blessed Sacrament. Each guided visit helps children encounter Jesus as the Way, the Truth, and the Life through BIble stories, prayers, and illustrations. Includes a section of basic Catholic prayers, the Mysteries of the Rosary, and how to pray the Rosary, plus notes for adult prayer leaders, recommendations for group use, and a list of Eucharistic adoration resources.

Ideal for children ages 6-8 and their families, schools, and parish groups.


A Daughter of St. Paul for over 30 years, Sister Anne Flanagan served as catechetical author and editor for Pauline Books & Media, Boston, and is a specialist in the spirituality of the Pauline Family. Sister Anne is an enthusiastic blogger (visit her Nunblog or follow @nunblogger on Twitter) and holds a Master's Degree in Religious Studies (St. Charles Seminary, Overbrook, PA) and a Certificate in Spiritual Formation (Catholic Theological Union, Chicago).

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