Events at Queen of Angels Catholic Store


Easter Event Details:
Easter, also called Pascha or Resurrection Sunday, is a festival and holiday commemorating the Resurrection of Jesus from the dead. Each Sunday of the Easter Season is treated as a Sunday of Easter, and, after the Sunday of the Resurrection, they are named Second Sunday of Easter, Third Sunday of Easter, etc. up to the Seventh Sunday of Easter, while the whole fifty-day period concludes with Pentecost Sunday.
Easter Season Dates:
2018: March 31st. {At the Gloria} - May 20th. {11:59 pm}
2019: April 20th. {At the Gloria} - June 6th. {11:59 pm}
2020: April 12th. {At the Gloria} - May 31st. {11:59 pm}
2021: April 3rd. {At the Gloria} - May 23rd. {11:59 pm}
2022: April 16th. {At the Gloria} - June 5th. {11:59 pm}
2023: April 8th. {At the Gloria} - May 28th. {11:59 pm}
2024: March 30th. {At the Gloria} - May 19th. {11:59 pm}
2025: April 19th. {At the Gloria} - June 8th. {11:59 pm}
2026: April 4th. {At the Gloria} - May 24th. {11:59 pm}
2027: March 27th. {At the Gloria} - May 16th. {11:59 pm}
2028: April 15th. {At the Gloria} - June 4th. {11:59 pm}


Triduum Event Details:
This Page includes Masses, Stations, & Other Liturgical Events during Triduum.
About Triduum:
Easter Triduum, Holy Triduum, or Paschal Triduum, or The Three Days, is the period of three days that begins with the liturgy on the evening of Holy Thursday, reaches its high point in the Easter Vigil, and closes with evening prayer on Easter Sunday. It recalls the passion, death, burial, and resurrection of Jesus, as portrayed in the canonical Gospels.
Triduum Dates:
In 2018: March 29th. - April 1st.
In 2019: April 18th. - April 21st.
In 2020: April 9th. - April 12th.
In 2021: April 1st. - April 4th. (This Year)
In 2022: April 14th. - April 17th.
In 2023 April 6th. - April 9th.
In 2024 March 28th. - March 31st.
In 2025 April 17th - April 20th.
In 2026 April 2nd. - April 5th.
In 2027 March 25th. - March 28th.
In 2028 April 13th. - April 16th.


Lent Event Details:
Lent is a solemn religious observance in the liturgical calendar that begins on Ash Wednesday and ends approximately six weeks later, before Easter Sunday. The purpose of Lent is the preparation of the believer for Easter through prayer, doing penance, repentance of sins, almsgiving, and self-denial.
Lenten Season Dates:
2018: February 14th. (Ash Wednesday) - March 28th. ( Wednesday of Holy Week)
2019: March 6th. (Ash Wednesday) - April 17th ( Wednesday of Holy Week)
2020: February 26th. (Ash Wednesday) - April 8th. ( Wednesday of Holy Week)
2021: February 17th. (Ash Wednesday) - March 31st. ( Wednesday of Holy Week)
2022: March 2nd. (Ash Wednesday) - April 13th. ( Wednesday of Holy Week)
2023: February 22nd. (Ash Wednesday) - April 5th. ( Wednesday of Holy Week)
2024: February 14th. (Ash Wednesday) - March 27th. ( Wednesday of Holy Week)
2025: March 5th. (Ash Wednesday) - April 16th. ( Wednesday of Holy Week)
2026: February 18th. (Ash Wednesday) - April 1st. ( Wednesday of Holy Week)
2027: February 10th. (Ash Wednesday) - March 24th. ( Wednesday of Holy Week)
2028: March 1st. (Ash Wednesday) - April 12th. ( Wednesday of Holy Week)


Christmas Event Details:
Christmas is an annual festival commemorating the birth of Jesus Christ, observed primarily on December 25 as a religious and cultural celebration among billions of people around the world. A feast central to the Catholic liturgical year, it is preceded by the season of Advent.
Christmas Season Dates:
(year done by the Liturgical Year)
2018: December 24th. 2017 - January 7th. 2018
2019: December 24th. 2018 - January 13th. 2019
2020: December 24th. 2019 - January 12th. 2020
2021: December 24th. 2020 - January 10th. 2021
2022: December 24th. 2021 - January 9th. 2022
2023: December 24th. 2022 - January 8th. 2023
2024: December 24th. 2023 - January 7th. 2024
2025: December 24th. 2024 - January 12th. 2025
2026: December 24th. 2025 - January 11th. 2026
2027: December 24th. 2026 - January 10th. 2027
2028: December 24th. 2027 - January 9th. 2028


Advent Event Details:
Advent is a season observed in the Catholic Church as a time of expectant waiting and preparation for the celebration of the Nativity of Jesus at Christmas as well as the return of Jesus at the second coming.
Advent Season Dates:
(year done by the Liturgical Year)
In 2018: December 3rd. 2017 December 24th. 2017
In 2019: December 2nd. 2018 December 24th. 2018
In 2020: December 1st. 2019 December 24th. 2019
In 2021: November 29th. 2020 December 24th. 2020
In 2022: November 27th. 2021 December 24th. 2021
In 2023: November 28th. 2022 December 24th. 2022
In 2024: December 3rd. 2023 December 24th. 2023
In 2025: December 1st. 2024 December 24th. 2024
In 2026: November 30th. 2025 December 24th. 2025
In 2027: November 29th. 2026 December 24th. 2026
In 2028: November 28th. 2027 December 24th. 2027