- Posted on
- By Andrew Salvatore
- Posted in Liturgical Seasons

Event Details:
Easter, also called Pascha or Resurrection Sunday, is a festival and holiday commemorating the Resurrection of Jesus from the dead. Each Sunday of the Easter Season is treated as a Sunday of Easter, and, after the Sunday of the Resurrection, they are named Second Sunday of Easter, Third Sunday of Easter, etc. up to the Seventh Sunday of Easter, while the whole fifty-day period concludes with Pentecost Sunday.
Easter Season Dates:
2018: March 31st. {At the Gloria} - May 20th. {11:59 pm}
2019: April 20th. {At the Gloria} - June 6th. {11:59 pm}
2020: April 12th. {At the Gloria} - May 31st. {11:59 pm}
2021: April 3rd. {At the Gloria} - May 23rd. {11:59 pm}
2022: April 16th. {At the Gloria} - June 5th. {11:59 pm}
2023: April 8th. {At the Gloria} - May 28th. {11:59 pm}
2024: March 30th. {At the Gloria} - May 19th. {11:59 pm}
2025: April 19th. {At the Gloria} - June 8th. {11:59 pm}
2026: April 4th. {At the Gloria} - May 24th. {11:59 pm}
2027: March 27th. {At the Gloria} - May 16th. {11:59 pm}
2028: April 15th. {At the Gloria} - June 4th. {11:59 pm}
Happy Easter!
Easter Info
Easter Vigil Dates:
2018: March 31st.
2019: April 20th.
2020: April 11th.
2021: April 3rd.
2022: April 16th.
2023: April 8th.
2024: March 30th.
2025: April 19th.
2026: April 4th.
2027: March 27th.
2028: April 15th.
Easter Sunday Dates:
2018: April 1st.
2019: April 21st.
2020: April 12th.
2021: April 4th.
2022: April 17th.
2023: April 9th.
2024: March 31st.
2025: April 20th.
2026: April 19th.
2027: March 28th.
2028: April 16th.
Easter Octave Dates:
2018: April 1st. - April 8th.
2019: April 21st. - April 28th.
2020: April 12th. - April 19th.
2021: April 4th. - April 11th.
2022: April 17th. - April 24th.
2023: April 9th. - April 16th.
2024: March 31st. - April 7th.
2025: April 20th. - April 27th.
2026: April 19th. - April 26th.
2027: March 28th. - April 4th.
2028: April 16th. - April 23rd.
Easter Season Dates:
2018: March 31st. {At the Gloria} - May 20th. {11:59 pm}
2019: April 20th. {At the Gloria} - June 6th. {11:59 pm}
2020: April 12th. {At the Gloria} - May 31st. {11:59 pm}
2021: April 3rd. {At the Gloria} - May 23rd. {11:59 pm}
2022: April 16th. {At the Gloria} - June 5th. {11:59 pm}
2023: April 8th. {At the Gloria} - May 28th. {11:59 pm}
2024: March 30th. {At the Gloria} - May 19th. {11:59 pm}
2025: April 19th. {At the Gloria} - June 8th. {11:59 pm}
2026: April 4th. {At the Gloria} - May 24th. {11:59 pm}
2027: March 27th. {At the Gloria} - May 16th. {11:59 pm}
2028: April 15th. {At the Gloria} - June 4th. {11:59 pm}
Liturgical Seasons: Advent - Christmas - Ordinary Time - Lent - Triduum - Easter - Ordinary Time
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