Introduction to Catholicism for Non Catholic Christians: Dinner Workshop
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- Posted in Events at Queen of Angels Catholic Store

Event Details:
- Date: 8-7-2023
- Time: 6:30pm - 8:30pm
- Location: Queen of Angels Catholic Store
Monday, August 7, 2023, 6:30 PM - 8:30 PM at the Catholic Store
Curious to learn where the Bible came from and how this points to the Catholic Church? Dig deeply into Church history, examining the roots of the Bible, how it was assembled, and what this teaches us about how Jesus set up the Church and its structure. This evening will be led by Father Mayer, pastor of St. James Catholic Church who grew up as a devout Pentecostal, then served for a time as an Episcopal Priest before coming into the Catholic Church. This is a great opportunity for Protestants to better understand Catholics and to experience an engaging and interactive presentation designed to bring Protestants and Catholics together around the Scriptures. Bring your Bible!
Interested, but Can’t Make this One? Text your name to 904-999-1423 and that you want to be added to the invitation list for the next one. Don’t text? Call or email [email protected]
Need an RSVP Reminder as the Event Gets Closer? Text 904-999-1423 that you would like a reminder as the event gets closer. Don’t text? Call or email [email protected].
Workshop Location: Queen of Angels Catholic Store (address)
Food at the Event: Sub Sandwiches, option of turkey or roast beef, from Publix, chips, water, soda.
Limited Space. RSVP needed. Please confirm as soon as possible, but no later than June 8, 2023 to assure your spot: [email protected] or 904-999-1423