2022 St. John Baptist Solemn Mass and Fire
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- By St. James Catholic Church
- Posted in St. James Catholic Church Events

Event Details:
- Date: 6-23-2022
- Time: 5:30pm
- Location: Assumption Catholic Church
This event has passed.
Mass for the Nativity of John the Baptist with all of the riches of the Anglican Patrimony celebrated by Father Mayer with the assistance of the Saint James Schola (choir), after which it is customary to dispose of blessed objects through a blessed fire. Bring old Bibles, broken rosaries, scapulars, holy cards, statues, etc. Unburnable items will be buried in sacred soil (church grounds). Bring food, drinks, blanket or chairs and get to know others on the grounds following Mass. There will be a second bonfire available for anyone bringing hotdogs, marshmallows, etc.
More info at: www.stjamescc.org