St Joseph Prayer Book

Article number: 197885
Availability: In stock (1)
Just as Saint Joseph protected Mary and Jesus and provided for their needs, his intercession from heaven can protect and provide for you. This prayer book will help you grow in friendship with Saint Joseph and ask for his powerful intercession in prayer.
- Help to live the virtues of Saint Joseph, Model of the Interior Life
- Prayers for employment and workers to Saint Joseph the Worker
- Inspiration for fatherhood from Saint Joseph, Strength of Fathers
- Prayers for selling a home and caring for one’s family to Saint Joseph,
  Pillar of Family Life
- Ways to intercede for the Church to Saint Joseph, Patron of the Universal Church
- Prayers for purity of mind and heart to Saint Joseph, Guardian of Purity
- Prayers for a happy death and for the dying to Saint Joseph, Patron of a Happy Death
- Prayers against the powers of evil to Saint Joseph, Terror of Demons
- Traditional devotions such as the Holy Cloak and the Litany of Saint Joseph
and many more prayers, devotions, and practices!
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