Catholic ID Card

Article number: CID
Availability: In stock (24)

In case of an emergency, would anyone know you are a Catholic? Would they know you want to see a priest? Now you can make sure that if you are ever in an emergency and unable to communicate to those around you, those assisting you will know of your wishes to receive Sacrament of the Anointing of the Sick, and hear the consoling words of a priest. These high-quality Catholic Emergency cards are the size of a regular credit card and made of the same kind of durable plastic. We are proud that we have done everything possible to bring you these high quality cards at the most affordable price. You will not be disappointed when you receive your Catholic Emergency card. Order one for all your Catholic loved ones.

| Andrew Salvatore 21-09-2021 20:53

Great card every catholic should have in their wallet.

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