Salt and Light: The Spiritual Journey of Élisabeth and Félix Leseur

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Élisabeth and Félix Leseur began their life together in France as a carefree young couple with a bright future ahead of them. They were beautifully and compatibly matched, except for one major difference—Élisabeth was a devout Catholic, and Félix was a firmly decided atheist. As they faced the seasons of life together, their relationship was tested, and both were called to deep spiritual transformation.

Out of love for her husband, Élisabeth spent her life offering her many sufferings for the sake of his conversion. After her death, and in response to the profound love he encountered in her writings, Félix converted and offered the rest of his life to God as a Dominican priest.

This biography is a lovely narrative of their marriage and the transformative power of God's love and grace in their lives. It also presents a charming picture of upper-middle-class French society at the turn of the last century. The cause for the canonization of Élisabeth Leseur has been opened by the Catholic Church.

Bernadette Chovelon, Doctor of Letters and Philosophy, is a French author who specializes in the psychology and spirituality of marriage. She has published several spiritual biographies of well-known married couples in Europe.



"Out of a tumultuous era of French history that feels very relevant to our own times, comes this engaging biography of Élisabeth and Félix Leseur. This book should bring comfort and encouragement to anyone praying for the conversion of a loved one or struggling with ill health or doing both at once!"
— Kendra Tierney, Author, The Catholic All Year Compendium

"A great number of Catholics today must be married or intimately related to those who do not share their faith. This was the case for Élisabeth Leseur. Her response is a valuable lesson for us all, and its fruits are a touching testimony to God's action in our lives."
— Sally Read, Poet and Author, Night's Bright Darkness and Annunciation

"This marriage of a devout Catholic woman to an anti-clerical former Catholic is a profound love story. Their life reveals the good news that negative character habits do not have to have the last word in the Sacrament of Marriage. Essential reading for all Catholic couples, marital therapists, and canon lawyers."
— Richard Fitzgibbons, M.D., Author, Habits for a Healthy Marriage

"Salt and Light is a gift of hope for those who long for others in their lives to know the love of God. In sharing that love as Élisabeth did, may we better know and follow Jesus as we lead others into the fullness of God's truth."
— Lisa Hendey, Author, I'm a Saint in the Making

"This beautiful love story is filled with fascinating characters, panoramic landscapes, and a sweeping view of a time gone by that is nevertheless very much like our own. The tender relationship between an unbelieving husband and a faithful wife who trusts God completely is a compelling witness to the transformative power of love."
— Kris McGregor, Catholic Radio Host; Founder, Discerning Hearts

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