Faith Life Family Cold Weather Scarf (Black)

Article number: FLF-XLS-BLK-1
Availability: In stock (6)

This soft, supple, and warm fleece scarf makes is perfect to wear to the March for Life or any other cold day when you want to promote your values.

This FAMILY LIFE FAITH Crest includes the Red Crown of Martyrdom topped with a Golden Cross, the White Pearls for purity, and the Red Shield expresses a willingness to fight the good fight for Christ and His teachings, defending the Faith symbolized in the Cross. Life is represented by the Baby Feet, a Prolife Symbol, and Traditional Marriage/Family is symbolized in the three members holding hands. The circle is blue for Fortitude, the Fleur de lis for Mary the Mother of God, and the Gold stands for Divinity.

This scarf may be worn by men or women, college campus students, in the office, etc. Made out of 100% polyester fleece.


It is extra-long 80” x 10” with hand pockets 8” deep. Made out of 100% polyester fleece.The handsome FAITH LIFE FAMILY crest measures 3″H x 2.5″W.

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